С МОЕ <C НАШЕ, С ТВОЕ, С ВАШЕ> пожить, испытать и т.п. coll
[PrepP; these forms only; adv; used with pfv verbs]
(to live) to the extent that I (we, you) have, (to experience) the number of things that I (we, you) have:
- поживи с моё•• (when you've lived <when you've been kicking around the world etc>) as long as I have;
- (when you've seen <done etc>) as much as I have;
- (wait) till you're my age;
- (when you're as old) as me;
- (when you've been through) what I have;
|| Neg не с моё (твоё) more than I (you) (have <did etc>).
     ♦ [Золотуев:] Покрутись с моё, покувыркайся, тогда не будешь спрашивать, зачем людям деньги...(Вампилов 3). [Z.:] When you've been kicking around the world as long as I have, you won't be asking why people want money... (3a).
     ♦ Младший продавец, когда начали продавать мёд из запасной бочки, видно, кое о чём догадался... Шалико никак не мог решить - заткнуть ему рот парой тридцаток или не стоит унижаться? Не стоит, наконец решил он, пусть с моё поишачит, а потом будет в долю входить (Искандер 4). The junior salesman must have caught on when they began selling honey from the reserved barrel. ...Shaliko could not decide: should he stop the man's mouth with a pair of thirty-ruble bills, or was it worth demeaning himself? It's not worth it, he decided finally; let him do as much scutwork as I did, and then he'll come into his share (4a).
     ♦ [Платонов:] Очень приятно, но... что же из этого следует? [Петрин:] Поживите с моё, душенька, так узнаете! (Чехов 1). [Platonov:] Very nice too, but where does it get us? [Petrin:] When you're as old as me, boy, you'll know (1b).
     ♦ "Я нанюхался пороху не с твоё!" (Шолохов 3). "I've seen a lot more action than you!" (3a).

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